Friday, October 22, 2004


Had an appointment with a chiropractor today, in light of last week's car accident. I went a few days ago and he took some x-rays, but today was the first bone-twirling session. Apparently there isn't a supporting bone between my skull and toes that's where it should be (no surprise to some, I suppose). I'm not so much a body as a partially completed game of Jenga.

I'll need to go twice a week for the next few weeks, then weekly, then... well, it'll depend on how good a Jenga player the chiropractor is, I suppose.

Was this what my Mum meant when she said she wanted me to be comfortable in my own skin?


Tell me which of my stories are your favourites, or if there are any you really hate. I've got a project coming up soon where such information might be very handy indeed. More on this subject in due course.

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