Tuesday, February 01, 2005


Hop over to Shadowed Realms this month and have a squizz at my story Pater Familias. It's only a thousand words long, so shouldn't take up much of your time, but I think you'll find it nasty enough for your needs :)


Finally, a chance to clear the pipes and get some damned writing done again! Sat down yesterday and threw out 340 words on Lethologica. (That's the novel Lethologica, as Prime don't fancy the title for the collection, so I've reinstated it as the name of the second novel). And while Lyn's been out at a Mother's Group this morning, I've been able to belt out over 1400 words on Nouvelle Hollande. Making up for lost time indeed.


Words Yesterday: 340
Words For Today: 1425
Words on Nouvelle Hollande: 1425
Words on Lethologica: 340
Year Total: 12 920

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