Tuesday, August 17, 2004


Another good day for writers! Well, me, anyway. Another 2700 + words on Nouvelle Hollande, plus I finished Blake The God, another 700 words bringing it to just over 2500. Emboldened by this miracle of actually-getting-off-my-assness, I wrote an entire 800 word flash story with the intention of sending it to KSP SF pal Shane Jirayia Cummings' new Shadowed Realms ezine, and doodled a 300 word start to a brand new short story while watching the Olympic swimming heats this afternoon.

I've now completed 5100 words on the novel in 2 days, 1100 better than my 2000 word a day target, have the next chapter and a half outlined to keep me going for the next day or two, and am ploughing words into short stories to boot. I'm a rather pleased little writer fellow.

Yon Daily stats:

Words on Novel: 2768
Words for Day: 4382
Words on Novel while at KSP: 5218
KSP words total: 8649
Total Novel Length: 15 307

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