Friday, March 18, 2005


We cleaned, we assembled nibblies, we filled the fridge with a whole lot of wine. And they came in numbers, and they came bearing money, and they had a fabbo time as far as I could tell because I was in the other room keeping a non-Tuppery Cheshire company and getting wellied on Swancon fundraising champagne (that wine glass was deceptively large).

To everyone who came: Sarah, Ju, PRK, Kylie, Anna, Elaine, Davina, Christine, and Lily: Thank you, for your generosity (Lyn seems to have bought every container known to man with your gift donations), your enjoyment, and your obvious love for Luscious. You gave her a wonderful night, and a very happy occasion. As bridal showers go, it was weird and wonderful. Much like our relationship :)

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