Tuesday, March 26, 2013


With less than two weeks to go until the official Marching Dead launch at Stefen's Books (full details at the end), I've got two ongoing competitions at my Facebook author page:

Much like I did with The Corpse-Rat King, I'm running shout-outs every few days: simply 'like' my page, and when I call for responses, post a number between 17 and 369 (start of Chapter 2 to end of Chapter secondlastone). First one to respond gets an excerpt posted in their honour, and every respondent goes into the hat to win one of two copies of the e-book edition of Marching Dead.


I've created a bunch of book plates based on the brilliant cover art by Nick Castle, and I'm posting questions every couple of days. All you have to do is respond with the post that amuses me most highly, and a signed book plate will be dispatched immediately to your place of residence.

You want one of these babies, don't you?


Currently, the question is: what book would have been vastly improved had the main character been killed before they undertook their quest?

To get in on the action, head over to my Facebook page, click that 'like' button, and join us: the water is lovely and warm...

And if you haven't already written the details of the book launch into your calendar in fat, red crayon so that it can't possibly be wiped off your iPad screen, here they are again:

Marching Dead Launch
Stefen's Books
8 Shafto Lane, Perth
Saturday, 6 April: 2pm until it's all over and we head across to the space reserved for us at The Generous Squire drinking establishment for discerning persons and get all drinky and folk-songy and dance on the table-topsy.

Come on dowwwwwwwn.

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