Thursday, March 04, 2004


Received a big gift in the mail yesterday: my copy of Love All The People: Letters, Lyrics & Routines of Bill Hicks arrived, and instantly became a platform for duelling bookmarks between the Luscious One and I.

Hicks is a hero to me, one of the few artists I've seen who refused to compromise himself in the search for the truth that lies behind all forms of performance. If you're yet to discover him, I thoroughly recommend you get out there and find a copy of his videos Relentless or Revelations, or listen to one of his albums (Rant in E-Minor is highly recommended). Or contact me and you can come over and watch my copies :)

Hicks is uncompromising, adult, and at times very disturbing, but you leave the experience feeling scourged and cleansed. A truly great comic. He died in 1994, at the age of 32, just as I was turning my back on stand-up comedy after 3 years of failure (Perth audiences, by and large, prefer the dick joke to any form of intelligent humour. We gave the world Rove: I apologise), and I've always felt a sympatico toward his mission beyond just finding him furiously funny. He died much too young, and much too early. Watch him, and find out just what a cheap thief Denis Leary is.

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