Friday, January 05, 2007


Well, I've just returned from dropping Luscious off at the airport. In less than an hour she'll be in the air, and her Clarion South adventure will have started.

I've done a pretty damn good job of straight-facing her fear of flying and the sadness at being apart for so long (we've never spent so long away from each other), because she needed the reassurance to get her on the plane. When you have to take the weight of medication she has to take to fly, the last thing you need is a reason to worry or change your mind.

But the truth is, I'm rather bereft, and the house feels big and empty and quiet. I'm beyond proud of my darling wife, not least because she's willing to risk her ego, fears, and self-confidence to attend a writing course I'm convinced she has the talent not to need, because she feels it's the best thing for her career. She has strength, character, and talent beyond my ability to measure, and I'm humbled to think she wants to spend her life sharing her days with me.

I'm going to feel very lonely until I see her again.

Song of the moment: I Scare Myself Thomas Dolby


Nicky Strickland said...

Your wife has been captured by the Clarionites....a rare breed who only appear every two years for six weeks ....then mysteriously disappear into their own realms. (Kinda like those rare desert flowers one hears about).

Brian G Ross said...


What's goin' on with the blog? You shoulda put it to the vote before you went an' cleaned it all up!

Unknown said...

I get bored late at night :)

Satima Flavell said...

I hope Lyn's having a great time. She'll be pleased when you rock up, I'll bet:-)