Wednesday, August 18, 2004


The first official visit of my residency today, with the Writefree Women's group. The group has been meeting for almost 9 years, and puts out an anthology every year: you can't fault them for effort! Spent an enjoyable 90 minutes in the company of this group of largely middle-aged and elderly ladies, before heading back to my room and trying to thrash out my daily dose of 2000 words.

It was tough work today: with an hour to go before I left for home I still only had slightly less than 1500 words down, and had reached a bit of an impasse. The chapter wasn't heading where I wanted it to go, and a key meeting I had scheduled between Napoleone and a major character didn't look like it wanted to happen. Luckily I've built up some confidence in the last two days, so I let the story have its head, managed to build in some necessary backstory and set up my meeting for tomorrow's writing session, and ended up with just over 2500 words written. I was so much ahead of time that I was able to sit down for 20 minutes and pop another 215 words onto my third short story of the residency (as yet unnamed), and left a rather relieved and happy writer fellow. I've gained a belief in my ability to tackle this work, something I was still lacking as I stepped through the door on Monday morning. Problems don't seem insurmountable, and I think I'll be far ahead of my plans by the time I depart.

Yon daily stats:

Words on Novel: 2535
Total words for day: 2750
Words on novel while at KSP: 7753
Cumulative total (all works) at KSP: 11 399
Total novel length: 17 851

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