Sunday, September 09, 2007


Named by my five year old daughter, impetus provide by my 14 year old Bonus son.... I've opened a cafe press store to provide a home for all the silly one-liners, cartoons, scribbled pictures of dinoasaurs, and sundry ideas that we think someone might like to have on a t-shirt.

So, as the title says: Tryserra Tops.

There's a link over there 44444444444

Right now I've put up one item, but I'll be adding more as I get the time, and letting you know, including some dinosaur designs and the odd bizarre thing involving Daleks.


You can blame Aiden for this one:

Q: What's the difference between 100 dead babies and a Ferarri?
A: I don't have a Ferarri in my garage.

Thengyew, thengyewwww.....

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