Thursday, January 29, 2004


Some good news for Luscious Lyn yesterday. She put up a story called The Memory Of Breathing for critiquing by the KSPSF group we attend each month, and boy, were the comments positive or what!

Perhaps the highest praise came from Dave Luckett, the excellent and highly experienced facilitator, who admitted to a resistant reading of the story because "It's just too horrible". which is the kind of thing you want to hear in reference to a horror story.

Dave's comment that "...this story has the true horror story's power to keep you awake at night, while you question your own ethics" caused much pleasure for the Luscious One, but when she got to the end of the e-mail and read "This could become the best horror story of this length that I've ever read. It's certainly one of the best ideas. I hope you will forgive me if I tell you that I don't wan't to read it again. I'm an old man, and it's already cost me badly needed sleep", well, the happy dance was much in evidence.

Sometimes, feeling like you have the chops can be one thing, but being shown such a belief by someone who is there already is worth more than your weight in gold. Needless to say, I'm as proud as can be. I've an unwavering belief in Lyn's talent, and seeing that belief mirrored in those who know these things is very gratifying. Girl's got game :)

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