Sunday, November 30, 2008


So, there it is. 52 097 words completed during Nanowrimo, as of this morning, and as I'll have no chance to add to them today, I think we can call that a wrap.

The Corpse-Rat King itself is nudging 65 000 words, and Marius don Hellespont has taken his first steps towards redemption, accepting the facts about what he has done in the past and where his life has led him. The narrative is firmly turned towards home, and while there are a few wrinkles to be had along the way, we're now stepping along the road towards the inevitable climax. All the travelling outwards has been written, now it's just a matter of bringing everything back towards the single, defining point.

Due to the kids' party yesterday, and the need to take all our household junk out to the verge for kerbside collection today, I'm having a weekend off. But the 1500 word a day habit begins again tomorrow, so I'm looking towards having a first draft in place by (roughly) the end of the year.

Then we'll see how much of a fool's errand this second novel has been...

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